Specializes in the creation of innovative custom furniture

Giving you the freedom to create your own custom environment.

From a very early age, Lison was immersed in the world of art and design. From her grandfather, she learned to manipulate wood and different millwork mediums, and her aunt taught Lison to sew, matching fabric patterns and colours, and manipulating different textures.


In 1986 Lison worked at a commercial design firm which owned their own shop drawing department, millwork shop, paint shop, upholstery shop and mattress shop. Lison was immersed totally in the custom and built-in furniture work process.  The creative pursuit of custom furniture lit a flame in Lison’s heart and she has pursued it passionately ever since.

All custom furniture is designed with respect to the size of each personal body and ergonomic posture.  Your custom furniture can be designed with iron, steel, glass, stain glass, mosaic and many more mediums. Design is limitless.


Tell us your idea and this is the beginning of an adventure.


A Sampling Of Our Furniture Design Projects

Hair On Hide Chair

Script Chair

End Chair

Tall Fur Chair

Floral Chair

Valentine Chair

Kitty Chair

Roxy Chair

Madame de Pompadour Chair

Various Furniture

Refurbished Chair

Whistle and Yaletown Poufs

Crocodile and Slipcover Chairs

Black Velvet Headboard

Princess Headboard

Silk fabric with embroidery